Margaret 'Rose' Widuckel (nee Hoey) Late of Templestowe

Margaret 'Rose' Widuckel (nee Hoey) died on 8 September 2023 aged 77 years.

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Virtual Signature Book


Mat Decker — 22 September 2023

Dearest Rose / NannyWords will never do justice to how you touched our lives. Your passing has left a void in our lives that I don't think will ever be able to be filled. You are an incredible woman with an enormous heart full of love and compassion. You always had time for anyone in need, happy to chat about anything and everything and alway there with a kind word, inspiration or advice and a big hug.You were an amazing mother, mother-in- law and Nanny. Your three little treasures (Jack, Mason & Liam) love you so much and they will alway remember their amazing Nanny, the fun food and travel adventures that they had with you , the comforting hugs shared with you and the unconditional love you showed them.The love and support that you showed Chris and I was never ending. In so many ways you were always there for us when when we needed. We could never thank you enough. Thank you for all your love and support, you will never be forgotten.You will be in our hearts and thoughts always and forever. Love forever Crissy, Mat, Jack, Mason & Liam


Rebecca Nasr — 22 September 2023

Dearest mumma,The house is so quiet without you in it, your bed was like you left it, like you were coming home again.Your room smells like you. I see you boiling the kettle, sitting at the kitchen table eating your breakfast and pottering around the house.Words cannot describe the emptiness that now feels my body since you left me. For 41 years we have been together and now I have to figure out how to adult without your constant presence always there when I needed it, even if I thought I didnt.Rest in peace my beautiful mumma, you are a beacon to so many.Please give dad kisses and cuddles from me, Byron and your boys. Until we meet again, mum. I love you


Leanne Casey — 20 September 2023

RIP dear Rose. I have so many fond memories that bring a smile to my face. I will miss our chats. Lots of love xx


Cheryl LaRue — 20 September 2023

Dearest Rose You hold a special place in my heart one that can never fade. I loved you when you were here and now I will learn to love you in a different way. I may not see you, however when I sit in the silence in my heart and soul I know you are there with me as two souls that are blessed two cross each others path in our journey here on earth is eternal in our being our soul. So my dear friend I feel you in my heart and I hear you in the silence I have a piece of you always when I need your words of wisdom. Know you have blessed so many with your work and I for one have so much gratitude for you opening my door to come home to me. In one of my early sessions you said to me that it was your heart felt vision in your work for each of your patients to feel your presence even when you are not here to help guide them. You succeeded in your vision, as I have you always in my silence, in the presence of the voice the one who took me into the little row boat and fished me fromThe depths of the ocean. The surface is beautiful and I get to gaze up at the night sky and feel blessed toSee the star you are shining down on those you love so very much and moreImportant you loved the most important person! Who you were, you loved Rose.


Karen Neaton — 20 September 2023

Rose, my friend, my mentor. Nothing was out of bounds with you. I loved that you humoured me when I went to mediums. If I ever get a connection and message from you, I'll be so thrilled. You are now all knowing, we were still here wondering. Thank you for everything you did for me. Not least, setting me emotionally free. Love you.


Victoria B — 20 September 2023

Rose,Thank you for listening, for guidance, for inspiration, for encouragement, for your kind heart and beautiful soul. Thank you most importantly, for being part of my journey. I will miss our talks. My condolences to the family. May she rest in eternal peace.


Natasha Ballingall — 19 September 2023

We didnt know each other for long, but you left an imprint in my heart Rose. A true empath and a love for caring and helping others always stuck with me, as well as your unconditional love for your family. What a beautiful woman. I will never forget your bubbly smile, laughter and kindness. I hope you know how much people loved you and the effect you had on others in the most positive and loving way. Heaven has gained a true angel.. may you rest in peace in paradise lovely. Love to all the family, Nat xo


Vanessa Wall — 19 September 2023

Mrs Widuckel/Rose, I never could get used to calling you Rose! Even though you would remind me every time I saw you! You have been such a constant in our lives. Almost 30 years of me wandering in and out of your home first just me, then my husband too and then the kids! You were never surprised to see me there! There was always welcome arms and a how are you, where you truely wanted to know. And you really listened. Growing up I loved your home, loved you family and of course loved you! Thank-you so much for being such a special light. You will be so missed x


ANN PERKINS — 19 September 2023

Thank you Rose for your love and friendship over the years- it has been difficult to write words as my heart is so sad. I value the time we shared in the last few weeks and pray that peace has come to you. Love to all the family


Melissa — 19 September 2023

Oh Rose, you mean so much to me. I wish I could tell you that in person again and again. I truly loved and still love you. I hope you are at total peace amongst the angels and God. I miss you every day and am so so thankful I met you in Melbourne for that special dinner. You always believed in me and you were a gift to everyone you knew. I hope I make you proud, Rose, in your name. I love you, I love you, I love you. I am blowing a kiss to you as you always did to me <3


Sarah Morgan — 19 September 2023

Rose was a wonderful coach and therapist to me. Warm, kind, challenging and full of wisdom and fun. I will always remember her and carry her words and insights with me. Thank you Rose. Our loss, heavens gain. My love and condolences to your family and friends.


Jocasta Ball — 19 September 2023

I was so sad to hear of Rose's passing. Rose had a presence about her and always welcomed me into her home. I will never forget our discussions on research, the book she gave me before the birth of my first daughter, and how she folded a fitted sheet. What a special lady. My deepest and sincerest condolences to Rose's family. Rest in peace, Rose.


dave harris — 19 September 2023

I met Rose through working for Colbrow in the nineties and became friends, as I am sure many many others did. I was proud to introduce her to my wife and kids when she visited us in Cork Ireland. I struggle to find the words to describe how much Rose meant to me, and I cant believe such an irrepressible inspirational lady has gone. All the best wishes to her family


Bethany Ranes — 18 September 2023

Im absolutely gutted to hear this news about Rose. I only knew her professionally, but she was such a brilliant, bright woman with an obvious passion for helping others. She was such a light and I am honored to have learned from her and to have known her as a colleague. My love goes out to her family.


Pati — 18 September 2023

It is with great sadness to hear of Rose passing. My heart , thoughts and prayers go out to her family. I met Rose through the TMS Roundtable , trying to help me and so many others in pain. She was truly an Angel . May she rest n peace .


Annina Camponovo — 18 September 2023

Dear Rosie, you welcomed me into the family with and open heart and arms from day one. You always had solutions ready for all problems and ideas - so many ideas! I often had to chuckle when you were telling us about your adventures (Uhh I'm just driving to Sydney for the weekend), you must be the most adventurous 'Nanny' I know. The unconditional love for your children and their children was so beautiful to see and very special, you are leaving a big hole in so many hearts.I will miss your big smile, rosy cheecks, warm hugs and our Kaffe and Kuchen dates. Rest in peace now dear Rosie. I'm sure you've already made many new friends in heaven!


Katherine Hoey and family — 18 September 2023

May God hold you in the palm of His hands


Vanessa Marshall — 17 September 2023

So sorry to hear the sad news that you've passed over Rose. I loved working with you because your strength of spirit and desire for change were so pervasive and it was my pleasure to have been in your life in the small way I was. Big love to all of your family as they say goodbye to you earth side. You'll be so missed Rose


Helen Mitchell — 17 September 2023

Dearest Rose, our hearts are heavy knowing we will no longer see your beautiful smile, feel your love & experience your calming presence.You were always there for me when l needed a hug, guidance & a good chat since my teens. No matter what age, I always left you feeling so much lighter & stronger.Forever grateful for your help to me & my family in times of need. I deeply feel the kindest soul has gone. I take comfort knowing you are with Hans now. Sincere condolences to the family.


Maria and Greg Pinzone — 17 September 2023

Our condolences to Rose family and friends.Rose help me and my husband so much and we are grateful for her presence in our lives. She is already greatly missed and is so hard to believe that she passed away.Dearest Rose we will always remember you and be thankful for your love and help, your wisdom you have given us. We love you. Rest in peace in paradise


Alan & Natalie Calleja — 15 September 2023

Dear Rosie, you were the kindest soul and opened your heart to so many. You became part of our extended family and will be dearly missed. We will cherish the memories forever, sending all our love to the family. Heaven has gained an angel. Forever in our hearts, love the Callejas


Maria Tommasoni — 14 September 2023

Dear Bec and Christina I only met your beautiful mum a handful of times and what I remember is that her smile was always so bright lighting up the room. My thoughts and prayers are with you both and all your beautiful families as you navigate life without her. I am sure that she will always be with you guiding you and looking over you lots of love Tommo


Teresa and Jack — 14 September 2023

Our beautiful Rose, the loss of a dear friend like you is something we can never recover from. It hurts so deeply. You have always been an important part of our lives. You are an inspiration to everyone. You were full of faith, love, courage and strength. You have touched so many hearts. We will miss the barbecues, lunches, dinners and get togethers and well never forget how every time we rang your doorbell you welcomed us with your beautiful smile and open arms. The time we shared will be forever in our hearts. Until we meet again Rest In Peace our darling Rosie. You will be forever missed Condolences to the family you have lost the most amazing mum


Louisa Hoey — 14 September 2023

A note to my Aunt Rose, our Hoey Matriach,Where to begin? A childhood full of memories. And many many of them at Old W. Road. A safe place in hard times. Remaining friends with my Mum. Thank you. Lots of "deep and meaningfuls" and all those cinema trips together through my 20s. Always grateful for the all nighter you gifted us holding our Baby Maeve while we had a night of sleep. The sheepskin gift still by bed that I step onto every morning and think of you. The soft heart cushion that I held for months and organising you did when we lost James. I am grateful for the role you had in my life my aunt. Thank you.


Tietig Family — 13 September 2023

We are so very sorry to hear of your mums passing and wish you peace and love during this time. We hope you are all embraced in the warmth of all the beautiful memories of aunt Rose and are comforted knowing you all made her life perfect. Love from the US cousins


Barbara & Lino Camponovo — 13 September 2023

Dear Rose, we only knew you in person from your stay in Switzerland, when we spent lovely days together in nature. We will never forget your warm laughing and your interest in every subject we showed you. One week was just not enough and we thought you would visit us again. Now you will observe and accompagny us from heaven. We will keep you in our hearts.Barbara & Lino


Sue McCormick — 13 September 2023

Sincere condolences to Roses family on the sad passing of their dear mother. I have had the pleasure of meeting Rose during three past visits to Australia. The last time being just Oct 22. We shared happy family times (she was my daughters aunt by marriage) She will be much missed. May she Rest in Peace and Rise in Glory.


Desiree Armistead — 13 September 2023

My deepest sympathy to Roses family, My heart breaks for you all on the loss of such an amazing lady that was so loving of her family and passionate about her work. May she rest peacefully. Xx


Devorah Bee — 13 September 2023

Rose, No one in the world has gotten closer to my heart than you. The world is a better place because you touched it and all those you knew with your love and care. I miss you so much and hope you forgive me for all the grief I gave you. May you find only peace in the ever after. Thank you for all you taught me. Your tenacity, wisdom and love was a rare combo.


Sarah Walker — 13 September 2023

Dearest Rose, why did you do that! you're not supposed to leave so soon. What laughs and giggles we have had since we started core training. As with many others you saw my vulnerabilities and strengths, I am so grateful for our friendship and will treasure our last conversation only a week ago. The world is quieter without you :( Love you Rose Hoey xx


Heidi Jürgens — 12 September 2023

Thank you, Aunt Rose, that you were with us when my father died. That comforted us a lot. We never thought that we would be in the role of consolation so soon. We feel for all of you who have lost a loved one.


Sylvia Niele — 12 September 2023

Dearest Rose, It is with great sadness that I have learnt of your passing. I had the pleasure of getting to know you through your passion for ISTDP, and especially its application in chronic pain, at various trainings in Melbourne. What a warm, caring, compassionate human you were, who had previously faced health adversity with such grace and tenacity. You will sorely be missed and my condolences go out to your loved ones.


Kim Noble — 12 September 2023

Dearest Rose,My mis-spent youth I searched to Adopt A Mother like you When you met me, you wasted no time On the part of me a foolChoosing to see only the good that was mine Your own self Nurtured my SoulFilled my Heart with a Mothers Love You even put a roof over my headAfter seeing the back of a van was my bedYOU put in my head the idea of A Life with Goals You gave my mind a Lifetime of Inspiration The Role model I have let my Career FollowTherapist, Nurse, Infant Feeding SupporterTo this day, My daily Practice Influenced by you, at every Corner Your Therapy gave me the strength I needed to Leave Not knowing it would be the last time we would eachother see I haven't seen you since I left Australia in 2012UK, my home & no bigger a regret do I haveThat I didn't get to see you again in personYet my heart, my mind & my life is still forever filled with your Lessons My tears flow for the Lady who had the biggest positive impact on my Life You Lived a Full Life with a Full HeartA Wonderful family & so so Smart I will always look up to youNow Upwards I LookHeaven reclaiming an AngelYou & Hans at last Together Again Death is such a Final WordYet somehow it doesn't apply to youAs your actions, connections & the seedsYou spent your lifetime planting Live on in Your People all over the World


Svenja Ikels — 12 September 2023

Dear Rose, although I was never able to get to know you personally, it feels like I have always known you. Grandpa Erich Westerhoff and Grandma Rosemarie Westerhoff said a lot about you. Now you are with my grandpa in heaven and you can catch up on a lot of what you missed. Greetings and hugs my grandpa. Rest in peace, dear Rose. xoxo Svenja Ehrhardt


Jessie Tamblyn — 12 September 2023

So sorry to hear of your Mums passing Julie.Condolences to you and the family.


Allan Abbass — 12 September 2023

So sorry to hear of Rose's passing. She was such a lovely person and contributed so much to education and to courses I provided over the past 10 plus years. My condolences to her family and friends.


Lauren Dalton — 12 September 2023

Dear Rose, To a beautiful lady that supported me in hard times. Forever remembered and Forever missed. Feeling blessed to have met you through your darling dgter and my dear friend Kate. Now at Peace. Xxoo


Emilie Ramkissoon — 12 September 2023

Dear Taita Rosie, it was very sad that you did not make it through. We have some fun memories with you and i want to tell you a secret: those memories will never fade away. I love you very much,Love Emilie


Vivian Ramkissoon — 12 September 2023

Dearest Rosie, it doesn't feel real that you have left us. You were the most beautiful and gentle soul I've ever met and you are going to be so missed. We will be sure to leave you a seat at the next Nasr BBQ. We love you dearly,Viv


Christina Decker — 12 September 2023

To my darling mumma, you fought so hard until the very end. You were a beacon in the dark and you were my fiercest advocate, all through my life. I feel like an anchorless ship, drifting in the ocean now that you have left this world. I now need to become an anchor in my own right and learn to navigate this world without you in it. Rest in eternal peace now Mumma. I will love you and miss you forever.