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Cheryl LaRue — 20 September 2023

Dearest Rose You hold a special place in my heart one that can never fade. I loved you when you were here and now I will learn to love you in a different way. I may not see you, however when I sit in the silence in my heart and soul I know you are there with me as two souls that are blessed two cross each others path in our journey here on earth is eternal in our being our soul. So my dear friend I feel you in my heart and I hear you in the silence I have a piece of you always when I need your words of wisdom. Know you have blessed so many with your work and I for one have so much gratitude for you opening my door to come home to me. In one of my early sessions you said to me that it was your heart felt vision in your work for each of your patients to feel your presence even when you are not here to help guide them. You succeeded in your vision, as I have you always in my silence, in the presence of the voice the one who took me into the little row boat and fished me fromThe depths of the ocean. The surface is beautiful and I get to gaze up at the night sky and feel blessed toSee the star you are shining down on those you love so very much and moreImportant you loved the most important person! Who you were, you loved Rose.