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Kim Noble — 12 September 2023

Dearest Rose,My mis-spent youth I searched to Adopt A Mother like you When you met me, you wasted no time On the part of me a foolChoosing to see only the good that was mine Your own self Nurtured my SoulFilled my Heart with a Mothers Love You even put a roof over my headAfter seeing the back of a van was my bedYOU put in my head the idea of A Life with Goals You gave my mind a Lifetime of Inspiration The Role model I have let my Career FollowTherapist, Nurse, Infant Feeding SupporterTo this day, My daily Practice Influenced by you, at every Corner Your Therapy gave me the strength I needed to Leave Not knowing it would be the last time we would eachother see I haven't seen you since I left Australia in 2012UK, my home & no bigger a regret do I haveThat I didn't get to see you again in personYet my heart, my mind & my life is still forever filled with your Lessons My tears flow for the Lady who had the biggest positive impact on my Life You Lived a Full Life with a Full HeartA Wonderful family & so so Smart I will always look up to youNow Upwards I LookHeaven reclaiming an AngelYou & Hans at last Together Again Death is such a Final WordYet somehow it doesn't apply to youAs your actions, connections & the seedsYou spent your lifetime planting Live on in Your People all over the World