Wells (Wellesley) John Trenfield

Wells (Wellesley) John Trenfield died on 4 May 2024 aged 74 years.

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Virtual Signature Book


Sarah Baker — 23 May 2024

To Merilyn, Jasper and the extended Jasper Coffee family, my deepest condolences to you all. The Australian coffee industry has lost one of its brightest stars. Wells was a true pioneer, leader and ambassador for sustainability and the coffee producers he represented to proudly. I'll always remember my interactions with Wells with the fondest of memories; from the first time he quizzed me on my knowledge of Fairtrade Coffee, to our shared meetings at SCA/ReCo conferences around the world, and happily enjoying a coffee around the boardroom table where he had enough stories to collate an entire book. I'll never forget him or the value he's placed in my life and my career. I'm forever grateful. I will miss you Wells. Goodbye my coffee friend.


Amanda Stone — 18 May 2024

With much sympathy to Merilyn and family on the loss of an engaged and committed citizen of Yarra and by all accounts a true citizen of the world.


Patrick Johnston — 14 May 2024

Wells. You did many great things and had so many exciting adventures in your life. To me you were more than that. Most of all you were a dear friend. You gave me shelter and love at a the lowest time in my life. You touched us all with your generous spirit and your fundamental humanity. You will be missed, but you will remain forever in our hearts and thoughts. Goodbye old friend.


John Weston — 13 May 2024

Wells was one of the many pillars of the very happy times that were my school days. In those days we called him "Button". I can still remember his indecipherable charade of "war/bur/ton to his English teacher and bewildered classmates, completely derailed by his own uncontrollable laughter. I remember his early artistic prowess and his sporting exploits. I well remember his ongoing disappointment with me as a batting partner on sports days, 'Stop trying to hit the ball".It could be thirty years since we've spoken, but I think of him every time I sign my name, because in our last years at high school he created a signature for me (and others) which is mine to this day. I am very glad he had a good life and unsurprised by the affection with which he is held by those who were fortunate enough to know him as he became the man that was the the boy I knew.


Brett Simpson — 13 May 2024

Dear Merilyn,Saddened to hear of Wells passing via Scott.Many fond memories of times spent together tasting coffee, trips to the SCAA and origin.Humble and unassuming but with a deep conviction to learn as much as possible, a journey of exploration.That is the man that i remember today.Godspeed Wellesy.


Elizabeth Mellor (WANNAN) — 13 May 2024

I have wonderful memories of Wells from school. And, I wish I had followed my recent impulse to contact him.He had a lovely quirky style & impacted on everyone around him.


Josh Bedford — 13 May 2024

Mr Wells, Thanks for giving me an opportunity when there werent many to seize. It truly was a life-changing experience. Your laid back and whimsy nature was a pleasure to be around every day and your ability to help others notice their strengths and build them up is something Ill always be grateful for. But your biggest gift was bringing good people together and creating a family who will chuckle about those times in the roastery for the next 50 years. The coffee was always black but every day was colourful. Happy trails


Rebecca Smallchua (and the Harvey team) — 13 May 2024

We are forever grateful to cross paths with Wells and the opportunity to learn and be inspired by him. The world has lost a true legend. A man who fought for what was right and fair - always working behind the scenes to do his part to help improve lives and the planet. Humble and unassuming. An optimist and pioneer. Stubborn, often misunderstood, brilliant and inspiring all at the same time.His love for exploration and adventure into the unknown is what drove his life's work. Wells was a creative soul with a deep appreciation for people, art, music, and flavours from around the world. He was, without question, obsessed with the craft of coffee making.But above all, he was kind warm and full of love. A friend to many, selfless in all the ways - giving of his time, resources and creativity to uplift others including pioneering the Fairtrade movement and ethical coffee in Australia. No matter how much was going on in his life and business, he didn't sit back when it came to helping others in need, no matter how far removed - like when he approached us in 2020 to help run a fundraising campaign for the coffee farmers and communities hit by the devastating hurricanes in Honduras.Thank you for showing us what living generously looks like and what it means to leave the world a better place through your life's best work. Rest in peace, Wells.


Tracee Tromp — 13 May 2024

Although I did not know him well, I do know that Wells was a very kind and thoughtful man and I am sure he will be sadly missed.


Carmel O'Toole — 13 May 2024

Heartfelt condolences to Mez, Jasper and family. In memory of precious and wonderful times, the Harvest picnics of years ago, wonderful gatherings of beautiful food and conversation, shared lives . I recall in particular a Hawks v Saints game where the Saints thrashed us after being 7 goals down at half time. Due no doubt to Wells' very vocal coaching at Docklands stadium. Love from Carmel


Melissa ward — 13 May 2024

Well's - You will be missed by many people that have been lucky enough to meet you in their life journey. From day one of working in the Roastery you made me feel welcome to the workforce as a single mum, I will never forget how you helped me in numerous ways over the years I was apart of the jasper familyMay you rest in peace and at ease


Peter Murphy — 12 May 2024

Vale Wells.Sincere condolences to the family for your loss. Remembering all the good times together as class mates at Croydon High School.


Wilson Colindres — 12 May 2024

Si tuviese que entregar un ttulo o un reconocimiento a la maravillosa vida de Wells, sera este: EMBAJADOR DE LOS PRODUCTORES DE CAF. Esto porque an estando en el otro extremo de la cadena, siempre estuvo comprometido con el hecho de que el negocio del caf, es mas que solo eso. Se trata de relaciones amigables y justas, y de reconocer en cada tasa de caf, el esfuerzo de todos los participantes en la cadena, empezando desde los productores. Definitivamente todos le vamos a extraar, fue un ser humano excepcional, que con su energa y carisma hizo amigos por todo el mundo. Un gran amigo descansa, pero sus ideales y su legado quedan vivos, en su querida Esposa Merilyn, en su hijo Jasper, y por supuesto en su ltimo gran amor, el pequeo Felix, Y claro en su empresa Jasper Coffee, desde donde alcanz y ayud a muchos productores para merecer ese titulo que al principio mencion. EMBAJADOR DE LOS PRODUCTORES DE CAF.


Steve and Leanda — 12 May 2024

Wells will be missed by many as his humility and caring manner touched manyA dear friend and neighbour from our time at Clifton Hill and those memories will be with us forever Our thoughts are with Merilyn Jasper and extended family at this tough time We trust that Wells is now in a better place


Melissa O’keefe — 12 May 2024

Dearest Merilyn & Jasper Such sudden & devastating news in the passing of my mentor in life, Mr Wellsey.Our thoughts,love and reflection are enveloping you both, through this sorrowful time. We draw on Wellss love for life,with such passion, and full of colour,sensory and visuallyGenerosity in abundance for community. His abundance of wisdom always shared ,never told. Hes endless desire for understanding of the world and all its peoples with purest sincerity. Is just a few of the many things he gifted me.Hes impact on who I am is forever, never ending.Our love and thoughts are with you Mez & Jasper


John Grant — 12 May 2024

Great memories of Wells and his endless life stories. They will live on over coffee for many years yet.


Faye Berryman — 11 May 2024

To all the dear family,So many happy memories shared. Wells warmth and generosity are engraved on my heart. My loving thought to all, especially dear Merilyn and Jasper


Bruce and Gaël — 11 May 2024

We are deeply sad to hear this news. What a wonderful man Wells was! His kindness, courage, generosity, thoughtfulness, concern for others and humour will live with us always, along with his beard. He and Mez were a model for us in their relationship with each other and their commitment to fairness and equality in their lives and in their business. The world would be a better place if more of us were like Wells.


Janelle Marsden — 10 May 2024

Dear Merilyn, Jasper and family. Sending my love to you all at this sacred time. So pleased knowing you enjoy the past few years together as a family cherishing the birth and early years of Felix. Wells gave so much to everything, lived a life to the fullest and always was passionate. He will be missed in so many ways.


Stan and Sue Rodwell — 10 May 2024

We have happy memories of you and Wells Merilyn . Sending our love and prayers to you and the family.


David Hubbard — 9 May 2024

Merrilyn, I was so sorry to hear of Wells passing. I didnt see much of him after our 20s, but every time we met, he was so welcoming. My thoughts are with you.


Carole, Terry, Tabitha & Shaun — 9 May 2024

Dear Mez,This comes from all of our family scattered over the world and sends our love to you and Jasper, Zoe & Felix. You are in our thoughts at this sad very time and we are sorry that we are unable to be with you next Monday to celebrate Wells.xxxx


Sue & Tom Marino — 8 May 2024

Merrilyn , Sending heaps of love & hugs especially to you & Jasper, Zoe & Felix.Wells will always be remembered as we drink our morning coffee xx