Ms Miriam Heather Kudeviita Late of Caulfield

Miriam Heather Kudeviita died on 25 May 2019 aged 85 years.

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Simone Cannon — 19 September 2020

I met Heather in 2007 traveling through Paris in the CDG airport where we shared a caf table and got to know each other. She later came to stay with me in my apt in NYC and we had a lovely time together exploring the city. We emailed for a while but then lost touch. So sorry to read of her passing; she really lived life to the fullest!


Laure — 13 June 2019

Dear all,I'll never forget the day I met Heather all those years back in Melbourne. Such a brightful, smiling and lively person. I feel blessed that I've been able to know her and to share such good moments either in Switzerland or in Australia with her.Love to you all.Laure